New Item For Sale in Reading Room

The Reading Room is pleased to offer a new book marking chalk in a 5-pack variety package.  The chalk is 11mm in diameter, much thicker than the regular blue chalk we have sold for years (5mm).  This new chalk is coated to keep your fingers clean while holding it.  But we can sell a black plastic chalk holder for it as well.  This new chalk also erases very cleanly.  Visit our Reading Room to try it out.

Prices are:

$12 for the 5-pack variety;  $12 plastic 11mm chalk holder; $30 box of 5 5mm blue chalk; or $18 for the 5mm blue chalk we currently have in stock.

If you want to purchase the new chalk, it is currently available in the variety pack.  We may have single color packs available in the future.  Please either call or visit our Reading Room to purchase your 11mm chalk.


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